Blue Dragon E-tracking
Welcome to Blue Dragon logistics export warehousing Web tracking system, we provide real time data about your cargo receiving, contianer loading and cargo pick-up status. For key accounts, we may also assist to build up system conection so as to enable auto data exchange basing on WebService technology. If you have any needs, please contact our business manager for assistance.
Receiving Query
Provide Receiving related data inquiries. Please enter the complete Delivery Order number, in order to query the relevant receiving, unloading and inventory situation. This tracking function is for general users.
Stuffing Query
Provide Container Stuffing related data inquiries. Please enter the completed Container number or B/L number, to check the container information, loading process and other related loading information. This tracking function is for general users.
Advanced Query
Open to Freight Forwarding Account users, provide more sofisticated receiving data, loading data and cargo pick-up data. Users need to be authorized. If there is a need in this area, please contact our business manager.